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5 Email Copywriting Mishaps To Avoid

Are your email click-through rates low compared to your open rates? Your copywriting may be to blame. Next time you write email copy, keep the following list on hand to avoid:

1. Repetitive, long-winded copywriting

Unnecessarily long and repetitive copy dulls the impact of your message. Never use a long word where a short word will do. Long words don’t make you seem more intelligent, and are more likely to cause misunderstanding. If it's possible to cut out a word, do so. For example:


With ABC Software, you can take advantage of market-leading innovation to modernise your application infrastructure.


Modernise your application infrastructure with ABC Software.

2. Passive tense

Never use the passive when you can use the active. Active tense makes your copywriting punchier and cuts out unnecessary words. For example:


You can lower costs and improve productivity by using ABC Software.


ABC Software helps you lower costs and improve productivity.

3. Burying the lead

Many of your prospects don’t have time to read your entire email―they will scan. Present your most relevant information first. Instead of a long-winded paragraph, consider using bullet points to highlight key benefits. For example:



Is your organisation ready for the cloud? Sign up for our free webinar to discover how ABC Software can virtualise your application infrastructure and help:

- Drive IT innovation
- Maximise uptime
- Lower costs
- Increase productivity



Is your application infrastructure ready for the cloud? Find out how your organisation can drive IT innovation with ABC Software. Sign up for our free webinar and discover how you can lower costs, maximise uptime, and increase productivity by virtualising your application infrastructure.

4. Jargon-heavy copywriting

Instead of making you seem like an expert, jargon heavy copywriting can cloud your message. It’s a bad sign if your prospect needs to consult Google to understand your email.

Obscure acronyms can also cause confusion. And meaningless business buzzwords are not only annoying, but add little value to your email. For example:


Synergise your data management with a holistic, enterprise-wide application platform from ABC Software.

Instead, try and include meaningful product features, benefits, or outcomes:


Simplify data management with an open, flexible, cloud based platform from ABC Software.

5. Unfounded statements

In an effort to prove your credentials to your prospect, you may write something like:

ABC Software is the global leader in application management.

If you are the global leader, or make any other claim, validate your statement with credible facts, meaningful statistics and, if possible, quote a reputable study or report.

For instance:

According to the 2014 XYZ Consulting Report, ABC Software is the global leader in application management software, delivering solutions to 254 clients in 27 countries.

Include citations or links to any key statements you make. It aids credibility, strengthens your brand, and boosts customer trust.

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